This ladder provides vertical circulation for the Project RE_Entry marquee and roof access to the two pavilions of Project RE_.  There are four different modules, one of which can be replicated to bring the ladder to new heights.  The stringers, treads, and risers are made of two layers of 3/4" 5 ply - all held together with white oak locking strips.

All plywood pieces were CNC milled.

All plywood pieces were CNC milled.

Components were laminated together after being CNC milled because the riser pieces needed to be double sided CNC milled to create a slot for the locking strips.

Components were laminated together after being CNC milled because the riser pieces needed to be double sided CNC milled to create a slot for the locking strips.

The slot in the riser component is for the locking strip.

The slot in the riser component is for the locking strip.

Every piece was sanded and polyurethaned.

Every piece was sanded and polyurethaned.

The locking strips were glued in place.

The locking strips were glued in place.
